Theme: Innovative research in sustainable finance
21-22 November 2023
Venue: UCT Graduate School of Business and Marriott Hotel, V&A Waterfront, Cape Town
The Chartered Institute of Development Finance and the Africagrowth Institute, in partnership with major development finance institutions, other financial institutions, academic institutions and governments, is organising a 2-day conference to discuss issues around sustainable finance practices and research.
As development finance and other financial institutions struggle to meet borrowing and lending demands, the situation provides an opportunity for commercial and investment banks to join forces with DFIs to provided blended and other innovative financial tools to address the wider needs of borrowers and lenders around the world. This year’s conference will examine innovative applications of financial technologies and research to strengthen the global networks which power finance for development.
The conference will include sessions for Development Finance Institutions and other financial institutions to discuss the important sustainable finance issues. In addition, it will offer the opportunity for academics and postgraduate students to discuss their research work in the development finance field.
Abstract, paper submission and all other questions to be addressed to Dina Potgieter:
Conference Fee is from $250 for non-presenters and $300 for academic presenters. The fee will cover lunches, tea/coffee breaks with snacks, venue hire and admin cost.
Administrative Queries
Mrs. Dina Potgieter
Tel: +27 21-914 6778
Fax: +27 21-914 4438
Scientific Queries
Professor Nicholas Biekpe
Tel: +27 21-914 6778
Fax: +27 21-914 4438