ISSN (Print): 1879-9337
ISSN (Online): 2959-0930
The Review of Development Finance has been founded in response to a growing scholarly literature that has been discussing the role of financial systems in the economic development process. The Journal provides a global forum for intellectually stimulating analysis of topics related to the deepening, outreach, efficiency and stability of financial systems. We welcome theoretical and empirical micro and macro analysis. The focus of the journal is on applied and policy-oriented research, which can serve as basis for public policy discussions on the financial system issues, especially in developing and emerging markets. The journal seeks to foster the dialogue between researchers, policy-makers and practitioners to identify policies that help deepen and broaden financial systems in an efficient and sustainable manner. It aims to accomplish the following:
• publish leading-edge research that further our understanding and use of development finance
• establish an outstanding level of academic rigor that will ensure the publication of first class development finance research
• appeal to a broad cross-section of readers, including both the academic audience as well as practitioners of finance
Markets, Institutions and Training Cost:
This will cover areas including, Contracts, Agency and Transaction Cost; Asymmetric Information
Capital Markets and Credit Rationing; Risk Management and Domestic and International Capital Flows
Finance, Economic Growth and Development:
This covers a broad area including issues surrounding Capital Flows and Economic Growth;
Financial Institutions and Economic Growth; Financial Development and Economic Growth and Financial Development & Economic Development
Microcredit and Inverted Banking:
Covering Social Collateral and Inverted Banking; Credit Markets; Rural Credit Markets and the Design of Rural Credit Institutions
Law and Finance:
Corporate governance, regulation; corporate finance and Corporate Social Responsibility
Global Finance Architecture:
This will cover areas including Capital Adequacy and Financial Soundness and Issues surrounding financial liberalization and Globalisation; International Financial Institutions
External Aid and Development:
Broadly covering the impact of external aid on economic growth
Sovereign Debt Management:
This will cover issues surrounding Debt Management; External Debt and Economic Growth; Debt Contracts and Renegotiation; Debt Relieve Policies; Design of Incentives and Broader issues on Sovereign Debt Management
Finance and Sustainable Development:
This will cover areas including Sustainable Development; Issues surrounding Finance and the Global Environment
Financial Evaluation and Optimality Measures:
Innovative methods of cost benefit analysis and Risk analysis and credit ratings
All articles should be submitted via Editorial Manager to CIDEF at:
For full articles, please visit Sabinet.
Professor Nicholas Biekpe (University of Cape Town & CIDEF, South Africa)
Advisory Editors
G. Akerlof (Berkeley, USA)
V. Errunza (McGill University, Canada)
C.R Harvey (Duke University, USA)
R.C Merton (Harvard, USA)
M. Scholes (Stanford, USA)
L. Senbet (University of Maryland, USA)
Co Editors
Danny Cassimon (University of Antwerp, Belgium)
Andy Mullineux (University of Birmingham, UK)
Lilian Ng (York University, Canada)
Ugo Panizza (The Graduate Institute, Switzerland)
Editorial Board
Editorial Team
Reena Aggarwal (Georgetown University, USA)
Franklin Allen ( University of Pennsylvania, Wharton, USA)
Fred E. Benth (University of Oslo, Norway)
Timothy Besley (London School of Economics, UK)
Gordon M. Bodnar (The John Hopkins University, USA)
Arnoud W.A. Boot (The Univ. of Amsterdam, Netherlands)
KC Chen (California State University, USA)
Yin-Wong Cheung (University of California, Santa Cruz (USA)
Graciela Chichilnisky (Colombia, USA)
Menzie D. Chinn (University of Wisconsin, USA)
Stijn Claessens (The IMF)
George Constantinides (University of Chicago, USA)
Ian Cooper (London Business School, UK)
Franklin Edwards (Colombia, USA)
Jack Glen (International Finance Corporation, USA)
Mariassunta Giannetti (Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden)
Kose John (New York University, USA)
Ravi Kanbur (Cornell, USA)
Robert Korajczyk (Northwestern, USA)
Sajal Lahiri (Southern Illinois University, USA)
Maurice Levi (University of British Colombia, Canada)
Helene Rey (London Business School, UK)
Ross Levine (Brown University, USA)
Roni Michaely (Cornell, USA)
Patrick Minford (University of Wales, UK
Frederic Mishkin (Columbia, USA)
Michael Moore (The Queen’s University of Belfast, UK)
Leonce Ndikumana (African Development Bank)
Kalu Ojah (University of Witwatersrand, South Africa)
Kwaku Opong (University of Glasgow, UK)
Kate Phylaktis (The City University, London, UK)
Ghon Rhee (University of Hawaii, USA)
Martin Ravallion (The World Bank, USA)
Helmut Reisen (OECD Development Centre, France)
Geert Rouwenhorst (Yale, USA)
Anthony Saunders (New York University, USA)
Lucio Sarno (Cass Business School, UK)
Robert A. Schwartz (CUNY, USA)
Eduardo Schwartz (UCLA, USA)
Mark Shackleton (University of Lancaster, UK)
Jeff Sheen (Macquarie University (Australia)
Bruno Solnik (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong)
Ingrid Werner (Ohio State University, USA)
Yishay Yafeh (The Hebrew University, Israel)
Assistant Editor
Dina Potgieter (Africagrowth Institute, South Africa)
It is a condition of publication in the journal that authors assign copyright to the Africagrowth Institute. This ensures that requests from third parties to reproduce articles are handled efficiently and consistently and will also allow the article to be as widely disseminated as possible. In assigning copyright, authors may use their own material in other publications provided that the journal is acknowledged as the original place of publication.
Latest Issue: Volume 14 – Issue 2